Riviera Beach To Celebrate School’s 75th Anniversary


Opened in 1943, Riviera Beach Elementary is celebrating its 75th anniversary this year. To celebrate the milestone, Jason Anderson, only the school’s 12th principal, planned a series of events that will take place during American Education Week in November.

Color Run: To celebrate students’ mental and physical wellness, the school will host a color run. This event will be open to the community, and those who want to participate will have to register online. The color run will take place on November 8 at 4:30pm.

Inviting Alumni Back: Past alumni will be invited back to Riviera Beach Elementary to sit down with classes and share their stories about what they did during their time in school, as well as fond memories of RBES. Alumni Day will take place in the morning on November 13.

Lending Library: Riviera Beach will soon be home to its own Lending Library, a constructed box where books can be placed for those in the community to read and return. It will sit about four feet off the ground outside the school, and community members can add books as they wish. The dedication will take place in the afternoon on November 14 on the school’s front lawn.

Time Capsule: In 1955, the school’s fifth-grade class wrote a comprehensive overview of what Riviera Beach — both the school and community — looked like at the time. To follow in their footsteps, Anderson wants to create a new time capsule from 2018 where students can include URLs for future generations to find. Each class will add artifacts and other resources to the capsule, which will be buried at the base of the Lending Library on November 14.

Arts Evening: As an arts integration school, Riviera Beach incorporates the arts into all aspects of students’ learning. The arts evening will allow students to demonstrate their learning and areas of personal interest that are focused around the visual and performing arts. The arts evening will be November 15 from 6:00pm to 7:30pm.


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