Panthers 70 Pounders Coming On Strong


By Colin A.J. Murphy

The Panthers Athletic Club 70-lb football team continues to have a fine season. At 4-2 overall, the Panthers are firmly entrenched in the top four of their 11-team Anne Arundel County Recs and Parks league, and with each game the boys have done the Panthers organization proud by playing solid, hard-nosed football. Against Southern on October 15, the Panthers showcased their dramatic improvement both as individual football players and as a unit, scoring three touchdowns and making several nice defensive stands, all while smiling and high-fiving with every successful play.

“Every one of these kids has developed and progressed so much throughout the season, and that’s the best part,” said Head Coach Dan Rodriguez following the game. “It’s become harder and harder as we’ve moved through the season, but they love to play and have been learning the fundamentals and enjoying the game.”

In the gritty battle with Southern on October 15, the Panthers saw an all-out effort from the entire roster of Austin Arruda, Hunter Beck, Joey Beard, Andrew Beal, Logan Clark, Chase Listorti, Tony Henson, Aswin Johnson, Seth Rose, RJ Newton, Jon Titow, Gavin Maresca, Jashon Woods, Tyler Weber, Carson Jacobs, Eddie Sanchez, and Dylan Lewis. The Panthers received a running touchdown from Clark and two from Arruda in the hard-fought contest.

Beyond their winning record and the improvement the Panthers have shown this season, Rodriguez is most happy to see the kids working together and having fun.

“It’s not about winning and losing at this age,” he said. “It’s about learning the fundamentals and having fun.” Rodriguez likewise applauded the team effort of all the parents and volunteers involved in making the Panthers’ season an enjoyable one for all. “Credit goes to the parents and volunteers who give such great support at this level. Coaches Che Woods, Mike Maresca, Todd Beck, and DJ Rodriguez and Team Moms Kimberly Beck and Summer Arruda have been a great help in organizing.”

Team Mom Summer Arruda agreed, noting the great joy it brings to the boys. “We have great group of boys on this team,” said Arruda. “We win as a team and lose as a team. We have an amazing group of parents and each week whether we win or lose these boys make me proud. They chest bump and pat each others’ helmets. They work hard and they have a great deal of respect for each other. We have awesome coaches who dedicate there free time to teach these boys the fundamentals of football.”

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