Unity Bands Speaker Series III: Inequities in Vaccines. FREE


Join us for Speaker Session III with Karan Wadhawan, Unity Bands Vice President, "Disparities and Inequities in Distribution of COVID-19 Vaccines Across U.S. Counties." Tuesday, August 29. 7PM Eastern. Zoom link below. This is a 30-minute session designed to share ideas related to our mission with a question and answer session. FREE. We hope to see you there!

Zoom: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/78674216291?pwd=V2htbkJhWG1ZOUlORFNqMkh0am0rQT09%20%20Meeting%20ID:%20786%207421%206291%20Passcode:%204dRyGr

“Now more than ever we are looking for a boost in morale to bring joy back to a once promising and fulfilling profession. That is why I support Unity Bands.” Sabrina Nunez, licensed practical nurse

Unity Bands is an Arnold-based, all-volunteer, 501(c)(3) nonprofit providing financial support to the low-paid, undervalued, and essential healthcare workers and promoting credible public health information to at risk communities to inform decision-making.

Questions? Contact John: info@unitybands.org

Discover more at unitybands.org

#publichealth #supporthealthcareheroes


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